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Paper Clay WC 952 - Bob's Paper Clay by Laguna

$36.26 USD

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A medium course clay body which exhibits excellent throwing characteristics. This material pulls up well for tall vertical forms without downward creep. Also throws well horizontally holding near flat cantilever flanges on bowls without slumping. The clay both stretches well on big bellied pots and necks as well as on pinch neck bottles. It should be noted that the fine wood fiber content of this clay makes it necessary to reduce the amount of water added to the clay during throwing. Excessive use of water will negate the forming advantages that the fiber produces in this clay. Bob's is also an excellent sculptural body with remarkable resistance to cracks and warps. It is highly grogged with a toasty color. Fires from cone 04 to cone 6.

Cone: 6
Wet Color: Dark Red/Brown
Fire Color
Reduction: Dark Brown
Texture: Coarse
Avg. Shrinkage 2±%

Avg. Water Absorption 1±%


COE x 10-6:



Can be purchased by 25 lbs pug or 50 lbs boxes. Buy 5+ Boxes and save 10% - Discount applied at checkout. Reach out for your custom shipping quote!

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