611 Eggshell Reduction Look Glaze by Opulence
These glazes are Glossy and are formulated to form a gas or wood fired look i...852 Meadow Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...856 Everglade Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...865 Petrified Wood Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...869 Bark Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...890 Chicory Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...803 Winter Day Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...815 Bamboo Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...836 Wildflower Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...840 French Bleu Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...851 Pine Forest Enviro-Colour by Opulence
These glazes are matte, colors of the natural environment and are not prone t...114 Ultra White Gloss Glaze by Opulence
These glazes are Colorful, Glossy and are not prone to flow or move. Opulence...125 Clear Gloss Glaze by Opulence
Zinc free clear glaze. These glazes are Colorful, Glossy and are not prone to...