Bees are often getting the short end of the stick with climate change as their food (pollen from flowers) is often arriving too early or too late.
Here are a few ways to help them out:
Support Local and Organic Farmers
Eating foods that are locally grown will help farmers maintain a range of crops giving the bees more pollen options that can help boost their health.
Practice Organic Gardening
Give bees a helping hand by providing a safe environment
This Bee Feeder is designed to give bees a helping hand. Filling the feeder with sugar water provides a bee-lated snack when blooms are unavailable.
Mason bees are the Usain Bolt of pollinators - always winning gold at the pollinator olympics. The Bee House was created to mimic their preferred wood and offer them a protected space while the females gather pollen to add to the tubes, lay their eggs, seal them up with mud and repeat until full.
Bees drink a lot of water but need a safe place to land because drinking and flying is against bee law. Fill the Bee Waterer with glass beads (included) and add water to provide a safe haven.
All bee puns aside, protecting our pollinators is something everyone should get involved with.